Proceedings: Proceedings have been uploaded to the ACM Digital Library. Every talk in the program links to its corresponding entry in the digital library as well.

Registration: Please register using this form (HPDC registration form). Zoom connection details will be sent to the list of registered attendees. In addition to Zoom, we will use the #precs20 channel of the P-RECS Slack workspace.

The P-RECS workshop focuses heavily on practical, actionable aspects of reproducibility in broad areas of computational science and data exploration, with special emphasis on issues in which community collaboration can be essential for adopting novel methodologies, techniques and frameworks aimed at addressing some of the challenges we face today. The workshop brings together researchers and experts to share experiences and advance the state of the art in the reproducible evaluation of computer systems, featuring contributed papers and invited talks.


If you have any problems or questions, please contact us via e-mail at:

Important Dates
  • Submission deadline: April 20, 2020. (11PM PDT)

  • Notification of acceptance: May 1, 2020.

  • Camera-ready copy due: May 6, 2020.

  • Workshop: June 24, 2020.

  • June 22, 2020 - Proceedings have been published by ACM!
  • May 22, 2020 - Workshop program posted!
  • April 30, 2020 - Keynote announced!
  • April 9, 2020 - Submission deadline extended!
  • March 1, 2020 - Submission site online!
  • February 14, 2020 - Workshop accepted!